Hey Mt. Lebanon Lacrosse Fans!
Last night the Varsity squad ghosted the Bethel Park Blackhawks on a cool spring evening that was perfect for a Lacrosse game. The Blue Devils jumped out to the 1-0 score early and by the end of the half had a dominating 10-3 lead. It was smooth sailing at this point and the game ended with a 12-4 finish and a big win for them! Check out all their highlights below:
Click below to view the video:
Game: Mt. Lebanon Blue Devils vs Bethel Park Blackhawks
Date: 4/2/14
Sport: WPIAL Boy’s Lacrosse
Form: 1080P – HD
To view the highest form of High Definition:
Click the play button and immediately you will see “360P” on the bottom right hand corner of the video screen. There you can click on place the mouse cursor over it and be able to choose the following qualities:
1080P – Highest Quality HD
720P – High Quality HD
480P – High 3CCD Quality
360P – 3CCD Quality
240P – Lower Quality 3CCD – For slower running computers
Please check back for highlights from Friday’s game at Sewickley Academy (4/4/14)!