Meghan and Tyler’s Wedding Celebration

Hello everyone,

   Megh and Tyler’s Wedding Video Page will be updated for their April 16th, 2021 wedding celebration! Check back soon!

Meghan and Tyler’s Wedding Ceremony:

Meghan and Tyler’s First Dance:

Tyler’s Dance with his Mother:

Meghan’s Dance with her Father:

To view the highest form of High Definition:
Click the play button and immediately you will see setting circle on the bottom right hand corner of the video screen. There you can click on place the mouse cursor over it and be able to choose the following qualities:

4K – Highest HD Quality
1080P – Higher Quality HD
720P – High Quality HD
480P – High 3CCD Quality
360P – 3CCD Quality
240P – Lower Quality 3CCD – For slower running computers

If you have any questions or would like to book me for your wedding day please contact me at or by phone at 724-787-4163.